Ag Issues Not Prevalent in Presidential Election Campaigns

by | Feb 9, 2016 | HAT News Feed

Hoosier Ag Today by: Andy Eubank

Ag in the presidential campaign

Rep Mike ConawayThe Iowa caucuses are a week old now, and the nation’s first primary, New Hampshire, is in the books, and other than plenty of ethanol rhetoric leading up to Iowa, where do the Presidential candidates stand on other issues regarding agriculture. House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway from Texas says he would like to know. Speaking over the weekend, Conaway said he just hasn’t heard much yet.

“So far I’ve not heard anybody say ag broadly. There was obviously some conversation about ethanol and things like that, but quite frankly I don’t know what any of the candidate’s ag policies are. I’m trying to figure out who to vote for on March first.”

That’s the date of the Texas primary. If reelected to the U.S. House, Conaway will be working on the next farm bill with the new President.

“If I’m fortunate enough to be re-elected and be in the chairmanship, I’m going to negotiate with this next administration, whichever side of the aisle wins it, for this next farm bill and I would like to know where those candidates are with respect to ag policy so ate least I can, my vote’s not going to decide the next nominee, but I want to be able to say I voted for the one who had the best ag policy. I can then work with that person if they make it across the finish line.”

Source: NAFB News Service

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