Iowa Turkey celebrates 40 years serving food at ISF

by | Aug 12, 2022 | 5 Ag Stories, News

When you find something that works, you stick with it. That is precisely what the Iowa Turkey Federation has been doing for the past four decades. This year they are celebrating their 40th year selling delicious Iowa-grown turkey products at the Iowa State Fair.

When you arrive at the Iowa Turkey Federation Grill, you will see the two staples that have carried them forward since 1983: the turkey tenderloin sandwich and the smoked turkey leg. But you better make sure you get there as soon as you can at lunchtime because there is always a line of folks waiting to enjoy those turkey products. However, the wait is never long as their expert crew keeps everybody moving through the line.

Gretta Irwin is Executive Director of the Iowa Turkey Federation. She talked with IARN about the history of their turkey stand.

Even though this year was a return to the original menu, the Iowa Turkey Federation has long been showcasing all the different ways you can use turkey in everyday meals. Whether it was sloppy joes, tacos, or my personal favorite the turkey meatball sub. Irwin says that no matter how the supporting cast has rotated in and out over the past 40 years, the turkey leg and the turkey tenderloin have remained.

After the Avian Influenza outbreak earlier this year, we weren?t sure if poultry would be a part of the livestock barns at the fair. With the quarantine lifted and the threat mitigated in the state, we can have turkeys and other poultry here for the crowd to see.

Also, when you come to pick up that turkey leg or turkey tenderloin sandwich, be prepared to get an education as well. There are turkey facts plastered all over the trailer and seating area to help consumers understand the role turkey producers play in Iowa?s Ag economy.

The Iowa Turkey Grill is located near the Bill Riley stage, close to the Varied Industries Building.