Agriculture practices are under attack by those who don?t have a clue about what farmers do, or worse, they believe they know what is going on. I used to have a college professor who always said that people who think that they know what they are talking about are far more dangerous than those who don?t know anything.
There are definitely some individuals and organizations; call them squeaky wheels, loud voices, or my favorite, trolls. They are making wild claims, backed up by slanted information, about what farmers are doing, or not doing, about their protection of the land and water. While there are a few bad apples out there, many are being very responsible. But those bad apples have many over a barrel.
A survey from Agoro Carbon Alliance is helping us to understand the lack of understanding, and also helping to educate citizens on what is happening.
Caleb Smith is an Agoro Carbon Agronomist. He talks about the interesting information their survey discovered.
Smith adds that consumers surveyed came away from the survey with a much better understanding and appreciation for what farmers are doing.
Smith said their goal was to see how consumers felt about the efforts already being made to support carbon farming practices. However, what they discovered was a public that was unaware of any of it.
Smith says that Carbon practices are going to be essential to the future of farming. He adds that farmers are going to be better off to start working on these practices now, so they have viable operations to pass down.
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