2024 Seed purchasing decisions are upon us

by | Nov 28, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Decision time is upon us for 2024 seeding decisions. In order to make informed ones though, we need to know about performance in 2023.  The growing season featured high moisture stress, high heat stress for a lot of us in Iowa, fertility stress for some of us as well, according to Clint Chaffer from DeKalb Asgrow:

“As we look at some of the harvest results from ‘23, we launched our new class last year, our XF3 class products like 27XF3 or 33XF3, just fantastic performance coming out of this ‘23 season even in some of those heavy, heavy stress areas.  Just a really exciting harvest here and then we’re setting ourselves up for a really exciting ’24 growing season also.”

He says we continue, of course, to get better at research and development, understanding how our primary row crops are utilized and that’s a credit to the folks who are involved on a daily basis.

“We have an amazing team in our breeding organization that goes out there and looks at those different traits, different attributes of each one of those products from the perspective of hey, we need some products that are good in in some of those stressful situations whether it be a drought situation or maybe you need a plant that has good wet feet. But being able to build up that robust product portfolio and that’s where when I look across as Asgrow’s total portfolio, 98 products across all relative maturities. We have a product out there for every farmer.”

He’s also quick to point out that it requires an investment of time with your local specialist in order to make sure that you find the right product in that portfolio for each one of your precious acres.