
by | Jul 31, 2023


Soil Health Partnership hosts soil field day

Soil Health Partnership hosted a soil health field day Thursday near Waverly. Around 60 or so local farmers and landowners showed up to the event from 8:00am until 10:00am on the farm of Mark Mueller. Ben Nuelle caught up with NRCS Agronomist Neil Sass to talk all...

Bob Dinneen- Renewable Fuels Association

Bob Dinneen is president and CEO of Renewable Fuels Association. He spoke to Ben Nuelle at Washington Watch 2016 in Washington, D.C. about the RFS, biofuels tax credits, and the growth of the cellulosic ethanol industry. AIRED: Money Matters 5-18-16

Monroe County farmer worries a drought is instore

by Ben NuelleOff and on rains the last few weeks have made it hard for some northwest Iowa farmers get into the fields.A Monroe County farmer in southeast Iowa says even with recent rains a drought is always something on his mind.Bob Scott grows corn and soybeans near...