HAT News Feed

Higher Bacon Prices This Fall

Higher Bacon Prices This Fall

Higher retail prices for several foods, including bacon, chicken breast, orange juice, sliced deli ham and flour resulted in a slight increase in the American Farm Bureau Federation?s Fall Harvest Marketbasket Survey. The informal survey shows the total cost of 16...

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Indiana Drought Area Increases

Indiana Drought Area Increases

A hot and mostly dry week left West Central Indiana in moderate drought conditions going into harvest season, according to Greg Matli, Indiana State Statistician for the USDA?s National Agricultural Statistics Service. A portion of Northern Indiana and Southwestern...

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First Deadline to Finalize NAFTA

The United States now has a tentative timeline to complete the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations. The Trump administration notified Congress Friday evening of expected changes to trade remedy law as a result of the ongoing trade talks. Notification is...

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Some Food for the Bulls

Some Food for the Bulls

Some Food for the BullsJim BowerAfter weeks of bearish market news, there is some bullish news the market. As more and more combines begin to move, we are getting more actual yield data. Jim Bower, with Bower Trading, says yields last week began to shift, ?We have...

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Rural Mainstreet Index Lower

Rural Mainstreet Index Lower

The Rural Mainstreet Index fell to its lowest level of the year last month, as farmland prices declined and agriculture equipment sales were dismal. The index, compiled by Nebraska?s Creighton University, surveys bank CEOs in ten Midwestern states. Overall, the index,...

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New Zealand Triples U.S. DDGS Purchases

New Zealand Triples U.S. DDGS Purchases

Record milk production in New Zealand has led the nation to triple the amount of imported U.S. distiller?s dried grains with solubles. The U.S. Grains Council reports that the 2017 milk supply in New Zealand is expected to reach 21.9 million tons, surpassing the prior...

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