HAT News Feed

NAFTA Talks Turn to Dairy Dispute

The U.S. wants to reverse Canada?s dairy supply management system as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiation. U.S. negotiators centered on the agriculture chapter of NAFTA over the weekend, and proposed to reverse Canadian dairy pricing program...

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Barges Stalled on Ohio River

Another lock and dam closure along the Ohio river stalled more than 500 barges waiting to pass through. The Waterways Council said late last week the issue was related to rising river conditions, which boosted water levels above maximum operating limits. However,...

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EPA Announces Dicamba Label Changes

EPA Announces Dicamba Label Changes

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced new restrictions for dicamba-based herbicides, classifying dicamba as a restricted-use product. The EPA said that only certified pesticide applicators, or people under their supervision, will be allowed to spray...

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Commentary: Go Local ? Drink Milk

The local food movement is not new. While its growth has been slow, it has been consistent and has made its way into the mainstream. Once only something a small group of foodies called ?locavores? talked about, today local food sources are key parts of the food...

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Harvest Window About to Reopen

Harvest Window About to Reopen

Harvest Window About to ReopenRyan MartinWith harvest pace running behind schedule, growers are anxious to get combines rolling again. HAT meteorologist Ryan Martin says that will happen early next week and will continue for at least 8 days. But, before that, we have...

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