HAT News Feed

Optimizing Your Credit Options for 2018

Optimizing Your Credit Options for 2018As growers consider their production plans for 2018, credit and financing options will play a big role in those operating plans. Doug Cox, with Farm Credit Mid-America, says there are steps that growers can take to optimize their...

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EPA Ending ?Sue and Settle?

EPA Ending ?Sue and Settle?

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt is touting a directive he signed this week to end the EPA?s so-called ?sue and settle? strategy, a practice agriculture groups opposed. Pruitt issued an Agency-wide directive Monday to end the practice, a move...

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USDA Withdraws GIPSA Rule Changes

Another farm policy dispute from the Obama administration has been laid to rest by the Trump White House. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue decided not to move forward with an interim final rule of the Farmer Fair Practices Rules, which deal with harm to competition...

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Strong RFS Critical to Farm Success

Skor-on-RFS-effortsEmily SkorChanges being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard would undermine the RFS, according to many in the ag industry, including Growth Energy. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says the EPA...

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